Ground Control, Prepare for Launch
Your Personal Ground Reaction Force Training Center
Learn + Improve + Train all three GRFs
Pressure Shifts Torque plain simple English that makes sense
As a top junior golfer I have tried everything to gain speed from pedals to speed sticks to seeing PGA Tour Coaches. Tried the Downshift Board for 30 Min, gained 10 MPH. Shot a 61 in a big college tourney a few months later and set a course record
I use the Downshift Board every day with my students to simplify a tough concept for students to grasp.
Although I have force plates, I'll often use the Downshift Board to simplify the concept of pressure shifts for my students.
Start Shifting
Launched in 2022, our signature product, the Downshift Board, has helped thousands of golfers worldwide to teach them how to shift their pressure
What are you waiting for?
But Pressure Shifts are only part of the GRF Equation
Introducing Project Redline
Train Improve and Increase your Torque and Vertical Ground Reaction Forces
959,00 kr
701,00 kr